Sunday, September 13, 2015

Creating a static home page for your Blogger blog

Sometimes you might want to create a static home page for your blogger blog instead of the default page with your blog posts. Adding a new home page is a really easy thing and here is how you do that.

Step 1 - Creating a new page

Select Pages from the main menu and select New Page button. Add page details like this.

After entering the details, publish the page. After that, your page should look like this.

Step 2 - Redirecting blogger homepage

Select Settings -> Search Preference.

After that, Change the Custom Redirect settings like below.

From: /
To:     /p/home-page.html

Note: home-page.html is the page name that you created earlier and you have to check the Permanent check box.

After setting the redirection settings, when you browse your blog, it will automatically redirect to the Home Page that you created.

But our work is not done, we need add a Menu to our blog and a Menu Item to link out previous Home Page to our new Home Page.

Step 3 - Adding a Menu to the blog

Select Layout and click on the Add a Gadget link in the Cross-Column section.

Select Pages from the gadget list.

Deselect the Home and check the Home Page check box.

At this point, our blog will look like this.

Now we have a Home Page menu item.

Step 4 - Adding a new Menu Item

Select the Edit link of the Cross-Column section in the Layout.

Click on the + Add external link.

Enter a name for the menu item and enter the page URL as below. In my case, the URL is

Now our work is done. Save everything and your blog should look like this.

If you followed the steps correctly, now you have a static home page.


  1. I followed those steps from your description and others but did not completely work. I have my own godaddy domain redirected to blogspot using the when I try this redirect it makes the blog/chat page a http:// then a warning page comes up telling me not a secure site so I deleted the redirects now I am stuck on what to do moving forward

  2. I was searching for this article thanks
